John Suckling Quote Picture

Why so pale and wan, fond lover,
Prithee, why so pale?
Will, when looking well can't move her,
Looking ill prevail?
Prithee, why so pale?

John Suckling

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John Suckling picture quotes - Why so pale and wan, fond lover, prithee, why so pale? will, when looking.. - Love sayings


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Customize picture quotes about love - Why so pale and wan, fond lover, prithee, why so pale? will, when looking..


Design poster quotes about love - Why so pale and wan, fond lover, prithee, why so pale? will, when..


Love quotes - Why so pale and wan, fond lover, prithee, why so pale?..


Love quote - Why so pale and wan, fond lover, prithee, why so pale? will,..


Sayings about love - Why so pale and wan, fond lover, prithee, why so pale? will,..


Quote about love - Why so pale and wan, fond lover, prithee,..


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