We learn the rope of life by untying its knots. - Jean Toomer. View more images...
Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside yourself. - Jacob Bigelow. View more images...
The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. - Leo Tolstoy. View more images...
There is nothing more important in life than love. - Barbra Streisand. View more images...
Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds you that you have one. - Stella Adler. View more images...
My father always used to say that when you die, if you've got five real friends, you've had a great life. - Elbert Hubbard. View more images...
May every young scientist remember... and not fail to keep his eyes open for the possibility that an irritating failure of his apparatus to give consistent results may once or twice in a lifetime conceal an important discovery. - Baron Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett. View more images...
Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them. - Claudia Alta Taylor Johnson. View more images...
We always have a tendency to see those things that do not exist and to be blind to the great lessons that are right there before our eyes. - Paulo Coelho. View more images...
The things that one most wants to do are the things that are probably most worth doing. - Winifred Holtby. View more images...
The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy -- I mean that if you are happy you will be good. - Bertrand Russel. View more images...
Life cannot subsist in society but by reciprocal concessions. - Samuel Johnson. View more images...
There was a perception that life here was-I won't say gray, that's hard for me-but beige. - Hanna Holborn Gray. View more images...
Because only man is capable to laugh, that means laughter is the highest point of consciousness, the highest point of understanding,the highest point of evolution. That's why I have started calling laughter "the prayer time." - Osho. View more images...
Through life's dark road his sordid way he wends; an incarnation of fat dividends - Charles Sprague. View more images...