Love is taking a few steps backward (maybe even more) give way to the happiness of the person you love. - Unknown. View more images...
The only real failure in life is the failure to try. - Unknown. View more images...
Woman's happiness begins with her first love and ends about then - Unknown. View more images...
Life is like quotations. Sometimes, it makes you laugh. Sometimes, it makes you cry. Most of the time, you don't get it. - Unknown. View more images...
Theres always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. - Unknown. View more images...
Love withers under constraints: its very essence is liberty: it is compatible neither with obedience, jealousy, nor fear: it is there most pure, perfect, and unlimited where its votaries live in confidence, equality and unreserve. - Unknown. View more images...
A rose without thorns is like love without heartbreak; it doesn't make sense. - Unknown. View more images...
Love is the only weapon we need. - Unknown. View more images...
Love is the bridge between two hearts. - Unknown. View more images...
Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart. - Unknown. View more images...
It takes a long time to grow an old friend. - Unknown. View more images...
Love wouldn't be blind if the Braille weren't so damned much fun - Unknown. View more images...
Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up. - Unknown. View more images...
Cupid has hit me with his sharpest arrow and now I am so deeply in love with you. - Unknown. View more images...
Friends are kisses blown to us by angels. - Unknown. View more images...