Qui amat, tamen hercle si esurit, nullum esurit. He that is in love, faith, if he be hungry, is not hungry at all. - Plautus. View more images...
I would rather be adorned by beauty of character than jewels. Jewels are the gift of fortune, while character comes from within. - Plautus. View more images...
Qui in amore præcipitavit pejus perit, quam si saxo saliat. He who falls in love meets a worse fate than he who leaps from a rock. - Plautus. View more images...
Your wealth is where your friends are. - Plautus. View more images...
Amor et melle et felle est fœcundissimus:
Gustu dat dulce, amarum ad satietatem usque aggerit. Love has both its gall and honey in abundance: it has sweetness to the taste, but it presents bitterness also to satiety. - Plautus. View more images...
Auro contra cedo modestum amatorem. Find me a reasonable lover against his weight in gold. - Plautus. View more images...
Friendship is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Plautus. View more images...
Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend. - Plautus. View more images...
What is thine is mine, and all mine is thine. - Plautus. View more images...