Without love a man is just a body, an empty temple without the deity. With love the deity arrives, the temple is no more empty. - Osho. View more images...
To laugh at others is egoistic; to laugh at oneself is very humble. Learn to laugh at yourself - about your seriousness and things like that. - Osho. View more images...
Love can never possess. Love is giving freedom to the other. Love is an unconditional gift, it is not a bargain. - Osho. View more images...
Remember, meditation will bring you more and more intelligence, infinite intelligence, a radiant intelligence. Meditation will make you more alive and sensitive; your life will become richer. - Osho. View more images...
Learn to laugh. Seriousness is a sin, and it is a disease. Laughter has tremendous beauty, a lightness. It will bring lightness to you, and it will give you wings to fly. - Osho. View more images...
When you love, you have to become nobody. If you remain somebody, then love never happens. - Osho . View more images...
Be loving towards yourself, then you will be able to love others too. - Osho. View more images...
The fully matured man has no fear, no defense; he is psychologically completely open and vulnerable. - Osho. View more images...
Mind is just in the middle. You are nothing but a mess. If you can go beyond it, intelligence grows in you;if you go below it, any intelligence that you had disappears. - Osho. View more images...
The men who love power never fall in love. Even if they fall in love they keep themselves at a distance. - Osho . View more images...
Unless you are in contact with a living Buddha, you will never believe that YOU can become a Buddha. - Osho. View more images...
Because only man is capable to laugh, that means laughter is the highest point of consciousness, the highest point of understanding,the highest point of evolution. That's why I have started calling laughter "the prayer time." - Osho. View more images...
Spirituality is your original face; it is the discovery of your intrinsic nature. - Osho. View more images...
Relax, let go. But remember only one thing: You are a witness. - Osho. View more images...
The men who love power never fall in love. Even if they fall in love they keep themselves at a distance. - Osho. View more images...